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 English Vocabulary for learners 

shortening words or phrases in text messages

Abbreviations are commonly used in texting nowadays, especially by young people, to shorten messages by not having to spell out words or phrases.

Here a some of the most frequently-used text abbreviations :

 AFAIK  as far as I know  ASAP  as soon as possible
 BBS  be back soon  IIRC  if I remember correctly
 BRB  be right back  IMO  in my opinion
 BTW  by the way  ISO  in search of
 BYOB  bring your own beer  LMK  laugh(ing) out loud
 DIY  do it yourself  MYOB  mind your own business
 DKDC  don’t know don’t care  NP  no problem
 DL  download  NVM  never mind
 DM  direct message  OMDB  over my dead body
 DOB  date of birth  OMG  oh my God/oh my gosh
 ETA  estimated time of arrival  PM  private message
 FOAF  friend of a friend  RBTL  read between the lines
 FOMO  fear of missing out  ROFL  rolling on the floor laughing
 FYI  for your information  RSVP  please reply (repondez s'il vous plait)
 FWIW  for what it’s worth  TBA/TBC  to be announced/confirmed
 GB  goodbye  TBH  to be honest
 GL  good luck  TMOT  trust me on this
 GTG/G2G  got to go  TTYL  talk to you later
 HAND  have a nice day  TYVM  thank you very much
 IDK  I don’t know  WDYT  what do you think?

English idioms

  more expressions   back to vocabulary  
