English Vocabulary for learners
shortening words or phrases in text messages
Abbreviations are commonly used in texting nowadays, especially by young people, to shorten messages by not having to spell out words or phrases.
Here a some of the most frequently-used text abbreviations :
AFAIK | as far as I know | ASAP | as soon as possible |
BBS | be back soon | IIRC | if I remember correctly |
BRB | be right back | IMO | in my opinion |
BTW | by the way | ISO | in search of |
BYOB | bring your own beer | LMK | laugh(ing) out loud |
DIY | do it yourself | MYOB | mind your own business |
DKDC | don’t know don’t care | NP | no problem |
DL | download | NVM | never mind |
DM | direct message | OMDB | over my dead body |
DOB | date of birth | OMG | oh my God/oh my gosh |
ETA | estimated time of arrival | PM | private message |
FOAF | friend of a friend | RBTL | read between the lines |
FOMO | fear of missing out | ROFL | rolling on the floor laughing |
FYI | for your information | RSVP | please reply (repondez s'il vous plait) |
FWIW | for what it’s worth | TBA/TBC | to be announced/confirmed |
GB | goodbye | TBH | to be honest |
GL | good luck | TMOT | trust me on this |
GTG/G2G | got to go | TTYL | talk to you later |
HAND | have a nice day | TYVM | thank you very much |
IDK | I don’t know | WDYT | what do you think? |