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 English Vocabulary for learners 

Latin words used in English
from:  'acumen'   to:  'vox populi'

Many Latin words and phrases have been adopted into the English language over the centuries, especially in legal documents, and are more commonly written than spoken.

Here are some examples:

Word/Phrase Meaning
acumen Ability to make correct decisions and judgments; shrewdness.
addendum An item added, for example at the end of a book or publication.
ad hoc For that specific purpose.
ad lib (ad libitum) Freely; without restriction; without preparation, improvised.
ad nauseam To a sickening or excessive degree.
ad vitam aeternam For life; forever.
agenda List of things to be done or matters to be discussed.
alibi Proof that someone suspected of a crime was in another place at the time it happened.
alter ego Another self; another aspect of oneself.
antenna 1) A transducer which converts electrical power into electromagnetic waves and vice versa.
2) Feeler or horn of an insect.
a posteriori Based on experience; derived from evidence
a priori Based on an assumption rather than on observed facts
bona fide Done in good faith, without intention to deceive.
carpe diem Seize the day (enjoy yourself while you can).
caveat emptor Let the buyer beware (used as a a type of disclaimer in contracts).
circa Around, about or approximately (used before a year).
cum laude With honours (above-average achievement).
curriculum vitae Course of one’s life: a summary of one's career and qualifications
de facto From the fact (exists in actual fact, although not official).
ergo Therefore; for that reason.
et cetera And other similar things; and so forth.
exempli gratia (e.g.) For example.
grosso modo
(from 'grossus modus')
more or less; roughly; in broad terms
facsimile An exact copy.
id est (i.e.) That is; in other words.
in situ On site (where something takes place).
ipso facto By that very fact; as a direct consequence.

mea culpa It's my fault; through my fault; I apologize
modicum A small amount.
modus operandi The usual way of doing things (for example: the modus operandi of burglars).
per se In itself
persona non grata An unacceptable person who is not wanted or welcome.
post mortem Examination of a dead body (to determine the c ause of death).
pro bono Free of charge; without asking for payment.
pro forma Standard document (for example, a pro forma invoice).
pro rata In proportion to the amount or size of something.
propaganda Misleading or biased information used to promote a cause.
quid pro quo Something for something : a reciprocal exchange of goods or services
simulacrum A vague semblance of something; a superficial likeness.
sine die Indefinitely; without fixing a date for future action.
sine qua non Essential condition without which something is impossible.
solo Done or performed by one person alone.
status quo The present or current situation; the existing state of affairs.
subpoena Legal document ordering someone tyo appear in court.
vice versa Valid also in the opposite order, or the other way round.
vox populi The voice of the people i.e. public opinion.

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