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 English Vocabulary for learners 

Expressions relating to CHOICES and OPTIONS

from:  'cherry pick'   to:  'weigh your options'

Expressions and phrases related to choices and options:
well-known expressions used when talking about making a choice or choosing an option.
  • As broad as it's long
    There is no real difference which alternative is chosen.
    “Take the high-speed train, or fly and take a taxi? It's as broad as it's long.”

  • Cherry pick
    Choose with care and select only the best.
    “Top university graduates are often cherry-picked by large companies.”

  • Choose the line of least resistance
    Choose the easiest way of doing something.
    “To keep the kids inside, he chose the line of least resistance and turned on the TV.”

  • Choose the lesser of two evils
    Choose the less unpleasant of two poor options.
    “He didn’t want to go, but taking the train instead of driving was the lesser of two evils.”

  • Have no option but to (do something)
    Have no other choice.
    “Competition is so fierce that we have no option but to cut our prices.”

  • Hedge your bets
    Choose two or more courses of action in order to reduce the risk.
    “The company hedged its bets by developing a second line of products.”

  • Hobson’s choice
    The only choice is to accept or refuse what is offered.
    (Hobson, a stable owner, offered customers the choice of either taking the horse nearest the stable door or taking none at all.)
    “He offered us a drink, then said: “It’s Hobson’s choice I’m afraid – I only have water.”

  • Keep your options open
    Wait and choose among several possibilities.
    “It’s a good offer, but keep your options open until you're sure it's the best choice.”

  • Plan B
    An alternative if the original plan does not succeed.
    “A caterer will provide the food. If that's too expensive, plan B is to organise a buffet.”

  • Soft/easy option
    A choice that avoids effort, hardship or unpleasantness.
    “She continued to live with her parents because it was the soft/easy option – it was comfortable, close to her office and less expensive.”

  • All options stink
    There is no good or acceptable solution.
    “We really don’t know what to do – all options stink!”

  • A toss-up
    Have a choice between two options that are equally good.
    “Both plans are excellent. It's a toss-up which of them the boss will choose.”

  • Argue the toss
    Refuse to accept a decision or choice and continue to argue about it.
    “The final choice was made yesterday, so don't argue the toss now!”

  • Weigh your options
    Consider which is the best choice; think about the advantages and disadvantages.
    “After weighing my options, I’ve decided to work freelance.”

English idioms

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