Conversation topics suitable for advanced learners of English.
- Fears and Phobias
- What are people most afraid of / scared of?
- What were you most afraid of when you were a child?
- How did you overcome your fear?
- Can fear be a useful/positive feeling? (e.g. for avoiding danger, risks...)
- What is a phobia? (an extreme or irrational fear of something)
- What sort of phobias can you think of? (spiders, birds, heights, needles, flying, water...)
- Some phobias have specific words. Do you know any of these words?:
- Acrophobia: fear of heights
- Aerophobia: fear of flying
- Agoraphobia: fear of being alone in public places
- Aquaphobia: fear of water/drowning
- Arachnophobia: fear of spiders
- Claustrophobia: fear of enclosed or confined spaces
- Cynophobia: fear of dogs
- Ornithophobia: fear of birds - How about this phobia: nomophobia (short for 'no-mobile-phone phobia')
(fear of being without your mobile phone or unable to use it)
Is this a common phobia today?
How can we become less scared of being without a mobile phone?
- Mobile Phones and their (excessive) use
Mobile phones (or cell phones) have become such a large part of our lives today that many people wonder how they ever lived without them.
What do most people use their phones for today?
- In pairs, make a list of the most common uses:
phone calls, text messages, photos, social media, alarm clock, booking flights, hotels, reading the news... - Do you think we have become too dependent on our mobile phones?
- Should the use of mobile phones sometimes be banned or restricted?
- at school (in general)?
- in the classroom?
- during meetings?
- in restaurants?
- other... - Can people become anxious or stressed without their mobile phone?
- Have you ever heard of nomophobia? (no-mobile-phone phobia)
(fear of being without a mobile, or being unable to use it, or feeling a compulsive need to have a device nearby at all times) - What advice would you give to someone who has become totally dependent on their mobile phone?
- In pairs, make a list of the most common uses:
- Consumerism
Short definition: spending money on things that we don't really need, for example:
- replacing a perfectly working mobile phone because a new model has come out
- buying more and more toys for children
Solicit more examples...
- What are the positive and negative effects of consumerism?
- Positive effects:
- increased industrial production
- more jobs
- a greater selection of goods to choose from
- provides more comfort
- makes us happier
- Negative effects:
- destruction of our natural resources
- increased pollution
- low-quality products (...that have to be replaced more often)
- lower working standards in countries where goods are manufactured
- Did previous generations consume as much?
- Should people be encouraged to consume less? Why? How?
- What are the positive and negative effects of consumerism?
- Life in the future
- Imagine life in the future. In what way will we live differently?
- Education: (quality, teaching methods, areas of study/new professions, artificial intelligence...)
- Work (working from home, online sales, etc.)
- Homes (size, style, location, comfort, robots ...)
- Healthcare: (vaccines/prevention, transplants, treatment, cures, new illnesses, longer life…)
- Everyday life (shopping, sports, travel, etc.) - Should we worry about changes in the future? Which changes? Why?
- What are the most positive/the least positive changes to be expected?
- Imagine life in the future. In what way will we live differently?
- Physical Appearance
- What is the first thing you notice about a person ?
- Is it important how people dress ?
- Is weight/physical well-being/fitness important ?
- Which is the most important : clothes, shoes, hair, hygiene, fitness, style … ?
- Does a person’s appearance reveal their personality ?
- Is it wrong to judge people by their appearance ?
- Could you be intimidated by someone’s appearance ?
- What can people do to maintain or improve their appearance?
- Is it acceptable to tell someone that they need to improve their appearance?
- How should you dress for a job interview ?
- On what occasions is it acceptable to dress casually ?
- Can you think of expressions relating to clothes
and/or appearance :
(e.g. 'off the peg' / 'down at heel' / 'dressed to kill' / 'not a hair out of place' …)
- Customs and Traditions
- Have you visited other countries (besides the country where you live now) ?
- What country/countries have you visited ?
- Did you discover any customs or traditions that were different from your home country’s customs ?
- Have you heard of any other strange foreign customs or traditions ?
- Can you tell us about some of the most important customs of your country?
- Is it necessary/advisable/recommended to follow other country’s customs ?
- How do people greet each other in your country ?
- Do you know of any particular wedding customs in other countries ?
- What about eating customs ? Are they the same in all countries ?
- Do you follow all of your country’s
traditions and customs?
- Coronavirus
- What images come to mind when you hear the word ‘virus’?
- What do you know about the coronavirus?
- What does the word ‘outbreak’ make you think of?
- What is the difference between ‘outbreak’ and ‘pandemic’?
- What can governments do to stop a pandemic?
- Could or should governments have reacted differently at the beginning of the outbreak?
- Do you think the whole world can or should be vaccinated against the coronavirus?
- Do you think scientists will find a cure for the coronavirus?
- What questions would you like to ask a virologist?
- Do you agree with the Japanese authorities’ decision not to allow spectators at the Tokyo Olympic games?
- Did that decision prevent or limit the spread of the virus?
- Are rich countries better protected than under-developed countries?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of vaccine passports?
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