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English Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs with OUT

Back out Not keep a promise; decide not to do something agreed on "You promised to help. Please don't back out at the last minute!"
Back out (of) Withdraw from an agreement "He backed out of the Paris agreement."
Back out (of) Reverse a vehicle out of a space "Nora backed the car out of the garage."
Bear out Show that someone is right or that something is true "I’m fairly sure the results will bear out my suspicions."
Break out Start suddenly or erupt "Rioting broke out as a result of the strike."
"He was so nervous that he broke out in sweat.
Call out Shout something "His mother called out his name but the boy didn't answer."
Check out Investigate; verify that something is true or correct. "The factory churns out thousands of tee-shirts every day."
Churn out Produce quickly and in large quantities. "The police are checking out his alibi."
Clear out Tidy by removing or throwing away "She decided to clear out her children's old clothes."
Cut out Eliminate "She cut out sugar because she wanted to lose weight."
Die out Become extinct; stop existing "Some species of animals have already died out due to climate change."
Eat out Eat in a restaurant "How about eating out tonight?"
Eke out Earn just enough money "He ekes out a living by cleaning chimneys."
Fall out Become loose and drop "Dad’s hair is starting to fall out."
Fall out Stop being friends “Emma and Julie have fallen out.”
Farm out Subcontract; arrange for work to be done by others. “We farmed out the packaging to another company.”
Figure out Understand; find the answer “I'm trying to figure out how to set the timer on the oven.”
Find out Discover or obtain information "I'll call the cinema to find out what time the film starts."
Fizzle out Gradually end "Their friendship fizzled out over the years."
Get out (of) Leave a closed space "He got out of the taxi and entered the building."
Get out (of) Avoid doing something "Some men get out of doing the dishes."
Go out (with) Have someone as a boyfriend/girlfriend "Is Julie going out with Tom?"
Hand out Distribute "Samples will be handed out at the end of the meeting.”
Hang out Spend time in a place or with a group of friends "Where does Danny hang out these days?"
Hear out Listen to someone's viewpoint without interrupting "Please hear me out before making a decision."
Help out Provide assistance "I'll help out with the dishes."
Look out Be careful /watch out "Look out! There’s a car coming."
Kick out Throw out; forcefully remove "Johnny was kicked out of the shop for stealing."
Knock out Cause someone to fall unconscious “The boxer was knocked out in the first round.”
Leave out Omit; not mention "Tom's name was left out so he got no credit for his work."
Make out Be able to hear or read something "I need glasses! I can't make out what's written on the board."
Make out Fill in the details (e.g. cheque). "Please make out the cheque to ABC Wizards."
Miss out (on) Lose an opportunity to do something “If you leave before Saturday you'll miss out on the party."
Opt out (of) Decide not to participate in something "Several students have opted out of art classes."
Phase out Gradually stop "Some countries have decided to phase out the production of petrol-driven cars."
Point out Draw attention to something "The editor pointed out an error in the article."
Pull out (of) Withdraw from an agreement "One of the companies pulled out of the deal yesterday."
Rule out Eliminate; exclude a possibility "The police ruled out any connection between the suspect and the crime."
Run out Expire; come to an end "Let's order now before the offer runs out."
Run out (of) Have no more of something "What a nuisance! We've run out of coffee."
Sort out Resolve a problem or difficulty "Some deliveries were delayed but the manager sorted that out."
Speak out Express your opinion openly "If you have any comments to make, now is the time to speak out."
Stand out Be different or more noticeable "She dresses in a way that makes her stand out in a crowd."
Take out Remove "This should take out the stain."
Take out Extract from somewhere "Jenny took out a pen to take notes."
Take out Invite someone to do something "Sam took Chloe out for dinner."
Turn out The end result “It turned out that I didn’t need to take my passport.”
Watch out Be careful; be aware of potential dangers "Watch out! There's a car coming."
Wear out Become unusable or very tired "During the trip Julie wore out her shoes sightseeing.”
"At the end of the every day Julie was worn out.
Wipe out Eliminate "Nuclear war would wipe out life on our planet."
Work out Do physical exercise "Tanya works out twice a week at the gym club."
Work out Find a solution or calculate something "It's going to be expensive but I haven't worked out the exact cost yet."

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