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English Grammar

English grammar rules and verb tenses from 'A' to 'N'.

Grammar: The Essentials

List A → N

  1. Basic Grammar Rules: rules on sentence structure and parts of speech
  2. a-an-the: definite and indefinite articles
  3. adjectives: comparative and superlative forms
  4. adjectives- compound: formation and use of compound adjectives
  5. adjectives - descriptions: people, character and feelings
  6. adjectives ending in -ing or -ed: meaning and use
  7. adjectives repeated for emphasis
  8. adjective order: the correct order of adjectives
  9. adverbs: formation and position
  10. adverbs of frequency: frequency adverbs and frequency phrases
  11. affect - effect: the difference between them
  12. alone - lonely: difference and use explained
  13. a lot - much - many: when to use them
  14. already - still - always - yet: the difference between them
  15. also - too - as well: where to place and how to use
  16. although-despite: how and when to use them
  17. apostrophes: the correct use of apostrophes in English
  18. as - while - when: the difference and use explained
  19. at-on-in - prepositions: when to use them
  20. avoid - pretend - escape: differences and use
  21. bare infinitives: verbs without 'to'
  22. beside vs besides: the difference explained
  23. between vs among: the difference explained
  24. causative verbs: make, get, have, let
  25. clauses and phrases in sentences: the difference and use explained
  26. complain of, about, to, that: how and when to use them
  27. compound verbs: verbs formed from two words
  28. conditional structures: zero, first, second and third conditionals
  29. conjunctions: different types of conjunctions
  30. correlative conjunctions: conjunctions that work in pairs: both/and, not only/but also...
  31. double comparatives with 'the...'the': the more...the less
  32. double possessives: difference between possessive and double possessive forms
  33. each-every: the difference explained
  34. each other, one another, ourselves: the difference explained
  35. even though - even if - even so: how and when to use them
  36. everyone vs every one: difference and use
  37. expect - hope - wait: how they differ
  38. false friends (faux amis):English/French similar-looking words with different meanings.
  39. few-little: few-fewer-fewest/little-less-least: the difference explained
  40. for-during-while: in time expressions
  41. for-since-ago: when talking about time
  42. for-to: the difference explained
  43. future tense
  44. future with 'going to'
  45. future time clauses: after 'when', 'as soon as', 'before', 'after', 'until'.
  46. gerund vs infinitive : when do we use them?
  47. gerund or infinitive : when can we use both?
  48. 'if' alternatives : ways to replace 'if' in sentences
  49. infinitive after certain verbs
  50. 'I' or 'me': subject vs object pronouns
  51. in case - unless: how and when to use
  52. inversion: verb before the subject
  53. irregular verbs
  54. job - work: the difference between them
  55. lay vs lie: differences and conjugation
  56. like - look like- be like: the difference explained
  57. like - as: when to use 'like' and 'as'
  58. linking words: connective or transitional words
  59. look - see - watch: the difference explained
  60. made with 'of-from-with-out of-in': their meaning and use explained
  61. make or do: when to use 'make' or 'do'
  62. mistake - error - fault: the difference explained
  63. modal verbs: can-could-may-might-should-ought to-shall-will
  64. must vs have to: using 'must' or 'have to' for obligation
  65. nouns: different types of nouns: concrete, abstract, collective, compound ...
  66. nouns: collective nouns collectives nouns for people, things, animals
  67. nouns: compound nouns compound nouns and their formation
  68. nouns: countable and plural nouns
  69. nouns: plural forms: how to form the plural of nouns
  70. number with 'a' or 'the': difference between 'a number of' and 'the number of'

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