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 English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions 

Idioms: Law and Order-1
from: 'above board'   to:  'a case in point'

  • above board
      If a situation or business is described as above board, it is open, honest and legal.
    • "There are not secret negotiations. Our dealings have always been above board."

  • above the law
      Someone who thinks they are above the law considers that they do not have to obey the laws that apply to everyone else.
    • "Sometimes elected officials violate regulations because they think they are above the law."

  • accomplished fact (fait accompli)
    • Something that has been done or completed, before those affected by it can intervene or change it, is called an accomplished fact.
      "The changes in the regulations were never discussed. They were presented as an accomplished fact, for which the Chairman was severely criticised."

  • against one's better judgement
    • If you do something even though you feel it is not a sensible thing to do, you do it against your better judgement.
      Bob persuaded her to go by car, against her better judgement, and she regretted it as soon as she saw the heavy traffic.

  • ambulance chaser
    • A lawyer who finds work by persuading people injured in accidents to claim money from the person who caused the accident is called an ambulance chaser.
      "Peterson and Scott are well-known ambulance chasers - that's how they make their money!"

  • arm of the law
    • This expression refers to the extent to which the authority or power of the law extends.
      "He fled to South America hoping to escape the arm of the law."

  • bandit territory
    • A geographical area where law enforcement is practically impossible, because people ignore all rules, is called bandit territory.
      "There are a certain number of bandit territories in the world where travellers are advised not to go."

  • behind bars
    • Someone who is behind bars is in prison.
      "If you hang around with that gang, you'll find yourself behind bars in no time!"

  • beyond reasonable doubt
    • This is a legal expression which means that something is certain.
      "The court established, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the man was innocent."

  • in black and white
    • This is a legal expression which means that something is certain.
      "The court established, beyond anyreasonable doubt, that the man was innocent"

  • blow the whistle
    • If you report an illegal or socially-harmful activity to the authorities, and give information about those responsible for it, you blow the whistle or you are a whistle-blower.
      "He refused to blow the whistle on his boss for fear of losing his job."

  • do something by the book
    • Someone who does something by the book does it by strictly following the rules.
      "If you want it done right, ask James. He does everything by the book!"

  • breaking and entering
    • The term breaking and entering refers to the fact of entering a building or home illegally by breaking open a window, door, etc.
      "The two men were found guilty of breaking and entering."

  • brush with the law
    • When you have a brush with something, such as the law, you encounter or experience it briefly.
      "He had a brush with the law for speeding a few years ago, but he has had a clean record ever since."

  • burden of proof
    • The burden of proof is the necessity imposed by the law to prove that what one says is true.
      "The burden of proof lies with the claimant."

  • case in point
    • The term case in point refers to an example which serves to illustrate, support or prove a point which is currently under discussion.
      "Not even the most talented athlete is guaranteed a long career. The latest skiing accident is a case in point."

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