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English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions 

Alphabetical List of Idioms S, page 9

Idioms S, page 9:  from:   'shut the stable door'   to:   'simplicity itself'

  • shut the stable door when the horse has bolted
    • If you shut the stable door after the horse has bolted, you try to prevent something bad from happening when it is already too late.
      "Jack decided to insure the contents of his apartment after it was burgled. Now that's shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted!"

  • the other side of the coin
    • When you want to mention a different or contradictory aspect of a situation, you refer to the other side of the coin.
      "The house is lovely and spacious, but the other side of the coin is that it is far from shops and schools."

  • sight for sore eyes
    • This expression refers to a person or thing that you are happy to see.
      "Sam! You're a sight for sore eyes! I haven't seen you in a long time!"

  • sign of the times
    • The expression 'a sign of the times' refers to something that shows the nature of today's society.
      "The rising level of violence is a sign of the times."

  • sign your own death warrant
    • If you do something that causes your own downfall, or prevents you from being successful, you sign your own death warrant.
      "When Charlie decided to drop out of college, he signed his own death warrant."

  • sign on the dotted line
    • If you sign on the dotted line, you formally give your consent to something by signing an official document.
      "I took legal advice before signing on the dotted line."

  • signed, sealed and delivered
    • When an agreement, contract or treaty is signed, sealed and delivered, all the legal documents are in order.
      "It is hoped that the agreement will be signed, sealed and delivered before the end of the week."

  • significant other
    • The term 'significant other' refers to a person, such as a spouse, partner or lover, with whom you have a long-term relationship.
      "Brian says he makes no decisions without consulting his significant other."

  • silver bullet
    • This term refers to an extremely effective or magical solution to a difficult problem.
      "There is no silver bullet that will put an end to unemployment."

  • silver exodus
    • The term 'silver exodus' refers to a large number of older people (over-50s) who stop working.
      "A silver exodus of valuable older workers is aggravating the UK’s current recruitment crisis."

  • silver lining
    • A silver lining refers to the good or pleasant side-effects of an unpleasant situation.
      "'Every cloud has a silver lining' means that there is a positive or hopeful side to every unpleasant situation."

  • (born with a) silver spoon in your mouth
    • To say that someone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth means that their family is very rich and privileged.
      "Alice never has to worry about money; she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth."

  • silver surfer
    • A silver surfer is an elderly person who uses the internet.
      "After just a few questions my grandmother was ready to join the silver surfers."

  • silver-tongued
    • A silver-tongued person is a smooth talker who speaks so convincingly that they manage to persuade others to do what they want.
      "A silver-tongued salesman persuaded my mother to buy a new washing machine although the one she had was fine!"

  • simplicity itself
    • Something that is simplicity itself is extremely easy to do.
      "Using the tool is simplicity itself; just turn it on and the instructions appear."

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