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English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions 

Alphabetical List of Idioms - L
from:  'labour of love'   to:  'last word'

  • labour of love
    • A task that is done for your own pleasure and satisfaction and not for reward or profit is called a labour of love.
      "Preparing Christmas dinner for the family is what my mother calls a labour of love."

  • lame duck
    • A person or organisation in difficulty and unable to manage without help is called a lame duck.
      "Some banks have become lame ducks in recent years."

  • lame excuse
    • A lame excuse is an explanation which is weak and unconvincing.
      "If you're scared to do it, just say so. Don't just invent some lame excuse!"

  • land of the living
    • This is a humorous way of saying that someone is still alive.
      "Hi there!  We haven't seen you in a long time. Glad to see you're still in the land of the living!"

  • land on your feet
    • If you land on your feet, you make a quick recovery after a difficulty such as a business failure, an illness, a loss, etc.
      "Don't worry about Bob. He's going through a difficult period at the moment, but he always lands on his feet."

  • landslide victory
    • The victory of a candidate or a political party by an overwhelming majority is called a landslide victory.
      "Major newspapers predict a landslide victoryfor the Democratic Party."

  • (as) large as life
    • The expression as large as life is used to describe surprise at seeing someone.
      "I thought Emma had moved to New York, and there she was, as large as life ! "

  • larger than life
    • A person who is larger than life attracts special attention because they are very impressive or unusually remarkable in their appearance, behaviour or personality.
      "George was a larger-then-life character, both onstage and behind the scene."

  • lash out
    • If you lash out at somebody, you attack them, usually verbally.
      "On the ninth hole, Pete suddenly lashed out at Scott and accused him of cheating."

  • last but not least
    • When introducing a number of people, this expression is used to assure the audience that the last person mentioned is no less important than those previously named.
      "And now, last but not least, here is the final candidate."

  • last legs
    • If you are on your last legs, you are in a very weak condition or about to die.
      "I was so sick that I felt as though I was on my last legs!"

  • last thing on one's mind
    • If you say that something is the last thing on your mind, you mean that it is not an important matter at all, especially when you have more serious problems to consider.
      "I'm so busy that food is the last thing on my mind."

  • last resort
    • To say that you would so something as a last resort means that it is the last thing you would do if you were desperate and all other courses of action had failed.
      "I still haven't found a hotel for the night; I can always sleep in the car as a last resort."

  • the last straw
    • This expression means that this is the latest unpleasant event and that you cannot tolerate the situation any longer.
      "After a long day of negotiations with the protesters, the traffic jam was the last straw!"

  • (be) the last word
    • Something described as the last word is the most recent, the most fashionable or the best in its category.
      "The new hotel is the last word in luxury and comfort."

  • (have) the last word
    • Someone who has the last word makes the final point or comment in an argument or discussion, especially in a decisive manner.
      "My colleague always likes to have the last word in any discussion."

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