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English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions 

Alphabetical List of Idioms - C, page 3
from:  'carry the can'   to:  'fat cat'

  • carry the can
    • If you carry the can for another person, you accept blame or take responsibility for something that goes wrong, even if it is not your fault or only partly.
      "The author of the controversial book didn't turn up for the interview, so his agent had to carry the can."

  • carry the torch
    • If you carry the torch, you have strong feelings for someone with whom you do not or cannot have a relationship.
      "He's been carrying the torch for Julie since their college days, before she married Ted."

  • carry weight
    • If a person or organisation carries weight, they are influential or important.
      "I'm glad she's on our side - her opinion carries a lot of weight."

  • put the cart before the horse
    • A person who puts the cart before the horse is doing things in the wrong order.
      "Building a school before knowing the age of the population is putting the cart before the horse."

  • carve out a niche
    • A person or company who carves out a niche concentrates on a particular segment of the market, to which they supply a product or service, and develop their expertise in that area.
      "In today's competitive market it is better to carve out a niche and try to become the best in that area."

  • case in point
    • This term refers to an example which serves to illustrate, support or prove a point which is currently under discussion.
      "Not even the most talented athlete is guaranteed a long career. The latest skiing accident is a case in point."

  • a cash cow
    • A product or service which is a regular source of income for a company is called a cash cow.
      "His latest invention turned out to be a real cash cow."

  • cash in your chips
    • If you cash in your chips, you sell something, especially shares, either because you need the money or because you think the value is going to fall.
      "Andy cashed in his chips as soon as business started to slow down."

  • cast a wide net
    • When trying to find something, if you , you cover an extensive area or use a wide range of sources.
      "The hospital cast a wide net in their search for compatible donors."

  • a cast-iron stomach
    • If you can eat all sorts of food and drink what you like, without any indigestion, discomfort or bad effects, it is said that you have a cast-iron stomach.
      "I don't know how you can eat that spicy food. You must have a cast-iron stomach."

  • a cat in gloves catches no mice
    • This expression means that if you are too careful and polite, you may not obtain what you want.
      "Negotiate carefully, but remember: a cat in gloves catches no mice!"

  • a cat can look at a king
    • This expression means that nobody is so important that an ordinary person cannot look at or be curious about them.

  • a fat cat
    • This term used to refer to a rich, powerful, self-satisfied person who uses their money and power in a way that you disapprove of.
      "The place was full of fat cats on their big yachts."

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