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FUTURE TENSE - Simple and Continuous forms

(Example  'to go ':   I will go / I will be going)

To refer to the future in English we use:

  • Future Simple: 'will' plus the bare infinitive, for example "I will go."

  • Future Continuous: 'will' + 'be' + the -ing form of the verb, for example: "I will be going."

Long Form Contracted Form
I will go I will not go I won't go Will I go?
You will go You will go You won't go Will you go?
He/she/it will go He/she/it will go He/she/it won't go Will he/she/it go?
We will go We will go We won't go Will we go?
You will go You will go You won't go Will you go?
They will go They will go They won't go Will they go?

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
Long Form: Contracted Form:
I will be going I will not be going I won't be going Will I be going?
You will be going You will not be going You won't be going Will you be going?
He/she/it will be going He/she/it will not be going He/she/it won't be going Will he/she/it be going?
We will be going We will not be going We won't be going Will we be going?
You will be going You will not be going You won't be going Will you be going?
They will be going They will not be going They won't be going Will they be going?
  • The future simple is used :
     - for predictions : what you think will happen or what is certain to happen.

    • You are going on a long flight. You can say :
      "I will be tired after my long journey."
    • You have found a new job. You can say:
      "I'll be nervous the first day!"

     - for spontaneous decisions or offers (a decision made at the time of speaking).

    • While you're having dinner with your family the phone rings : You can say :
      "I'll answer it!"
    • You want to help someone who has a lot to carry. You can say:
      "I'll carry one of your bags for you."

  • The future continuous is used to refer to a continuous action at a future time.

    • You are going on a long flight. You can say :
      - "In two hours' time I will be having lunch on the plane."
      - "I will be flying over London."
      - "I will be watching a film."

See also:    Future with 'going to'   |   Future time clauses  |   Shall-will should-would

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